Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Effects of Floods in everyday lives XD
The effects of flood damage can be categorized into three types, namely, primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary effects of flood damage include physical damages like damage to bridges, cars, buildings, sewer systems, roadways, and even casualties like people and livestock death due to drowning. The primary effect of floods is due to direct contact with the flood waters. The velocity of water tends to be high in floods and consequently, discharge increases as velocity increases. Because of excess rainfall, the rivers and streams flow with higher velocities wherein they are able to transport larger particles like rocks as suspended load. Such large particles include not only rocks and sediment but during a flood it could also include large objects such as automobiles, houses and bridges. Massive amounts of erosion during the floods can undermine bridge structures, levees, and buildings causing their collapse.
During floods, water will also enter human built structures causing water damage. The flood damage to houses include ruining of furniture, damage to the floors and walls of the house and damage to any other item that comes in contact with the water. Automobiles on the roads get stranded in the floods and they get carried away by the flood waters or water enters into the automobile, which results in damage that cannot be easily repaired. The flood water carries sediment as suspended load. As the flood waters recede, the sediments get deposited and things and structures including the interior of buildings usually get covered with a thick layer of stream-deposited mud. Farmlands affected by floods face a huge loss as they usually result in crop loss. Livestock, pets, and other animals are often carried away by the strong currents of the flood water. Humans who get caught in the high velocity flood waters often get drowned.
Among the secondary effects of flood damage are the disruption of many essential services like gas and electricity. Flood damage also includes the contamination of the drinking water supply, if sewage treatment plants are flooded. This poses a greater threat because this may result in disease and other health hazards, especially in under developed countries. The public transportation systems may also be disrupted during floods, resulting in shortages of food and other supplies.
Tertiary effects of flood damage are generally long-term effects like the location of river channels that may change because of flooding; fewer new channels will develop, leaving the old channels dry. Farmlands with crops get destroyed by the sediment deposition caused by the floods. People may not be able to make it to their workplace due to disruption of services. The floods may also result in destruction of wildlife habitat.
Although floods have some advantages, if we look at it in a broader perspective we can conclude that largely, floods cause havoc to life and property of mankind. By following various preventive measures the effects of flood damage can be reduced to a great extent.
Effect and Solution for Pollution
The effect of pollution can disturb our healthy. Every year, our healthy not balance, because of the pollution. Many different chemichal in the air. Old people and baby more frail with the disease. Pollution make our lungs be disturb, because our lungs sucked all air, and we don’t know the air make our lungs danger or not.
This pollution make many effect to us. The sollution, we need to reduced the pollution and we need to limiting people who live in this world, limiting the car, motor cycle, etc.
What are the effects of illegal logging in protected lands?
Apart from the environmental destruction mentioned, illegal logging displaces wildlife and also people. I have read recent estimates that 70% of the teak on the world market is illegally logged in SE Asia. There is a "timber Mafia" logging protected reserves, with corrupt politicians on the payroll, and the teak is shipped through places like Malaysia, where it is re-labled and becomes untraceable. These people do not hesitate to kill environmentalists who try to stop them. They use elephants to pull logs, injecting them with methamphetamines to keep them working. When the elephants become psychotic (as with humans on meth) they are shot. Most of the teak ends up in the US as patio furniture. I work in boat building, and all our boats have teak decks. I look at those decks and see blood.
that website said that the animal traffickers punched the animals, and put them into a suitcases, stockings, or luggage just to import/export them somewhere else (illegal import-export). So 90% of the animals died.
Flash Flood Cause
Effect of the Landslides
This catastrophe could drastically affect everyone who lives near an elevated area. A single but relatively strong rainfall, thunderstorm, hurricane / tropical depression could make the soil erode, which will cause immense flooding, and will, definitely rage on the residents below.
More so, in the case of crops, without a doubt, the floods that could be casued by landslides will tremendously damage them, if ot totally wipe them out. However, all this can be prevented if illegal logging, and other unscrupulous practices against mother nature could be checked and controlled.
Beautiful, Green
Producing, Giving Us
Place for all animals to live-
Cutting, Slashing,
Disaster, Mud every where,
It become dead land
Clean environment,
Beautiful, Clean,
Producing, Giving Us, Oxygen,
Place for all animals to live-
Cutting, Slashing, Chopping,
Disaster, Flood,
It becomes dead land
The poem of illegal logging of teak
The teak Less,
Run Out ,silly,
the teak almost gone,
selling, Illegal Logging,Losting,
flood in jakarta
imagine if flood attacking us...what r u doing???
While in my opinion, the flood attack just simply because that Jakarta no longer have a green area in the city, there were no large park and also the Jakarta water cannal is really really bad. The industries also take a part on this flood because they do not taking care of the environment. The industries makes Jakarta fall down under the sea surface level. The water in the rivers of Jakarta can’t easily deliver its water into the sea.
Causes of Landslide
Weak materials
Sensitive materials
Weathered materials
Sheared materials
Jointed or fissured materials
Adversely orientated discontinuities
Permeability contrasts
Material contrasts
Rainfall and snow fall
Slope angle
Fluvial erosion
Wave erosion
Glacial erosion
Erosion of lateral margins
Subterranean erosion
Slope loading
Vegetation change
Intense rainfall
Rapid snow melt
Prolonged precipitation
Rapid drawdown
Volcanic eruption
Ground water changes
Soil pore water pressure
Surface runoff
Seismic activity
Land use change
Water management
Water leakage
The Picture of Pollution
causing river / oceans to over flow their banks, and can
happen at any time of the year, not just in the winter."
"Floodwater can seriously disrupt public and personal
transport by cutting off roads and railway lines, as well
as communication links when telephone lines are
"Floods disrupt normal drainage systems in cities, and
sewage spills are common, which represents a
serious health hazard, along with standing water and
wet materials in the home. Bacteria, mould and
viruses, cause disease, trigger allergic reactions, and
continue to damage materials long after a flood.
"Floods can distribute large amounts of water and suspended sediment over vast areas,
restocking valuable soil nutrients to agricultural lands. In contrast, soil can be eroded by
large amounts of fast flowing water, ruining crops, destroying agricultural land / buildings
and drowning farm animals,
What Causes Flood?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Natural Disaster Poem
Poem About Flood Everywhere (Diamante Poem)
Bull Catching Party (Pesta Tangkap Banteng)
Pig Sport

Illegal Fishing
Unreported fishing is fishing that has been unreported or misreported to the relevant national authority or regional organisation, in contravention of applicable laws and regulations.
Unregulated fishing generally refers to fishing by vessels without nationality, or vessels flying the flag of a country not party to the regional organisation governing that fishing area or species.
The drivers behind illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing are clear enough, and similar to those behind many other types of international environmental crime. Most obviously, pirate fishers have a strong economic incentive: many species of fish, particularly those which have been over-exploited and are thus in short supply, are of high value.
Such IUU activity may then show a high chance of success – i.e. a high rate of return – from the failure of governments to regulate adequately (e.g. inadequate coverage of international agreements), or to enforce national or international laws (e.g. because of lack of capacity, or poor levels of governance). A particular driver behind IUU fishing is the failure of a number of flag states to exercise any effective regulation over ships on their registers – which in turn creates an incentive for ships to register under these 'flags of convenience'.
Since no-one is reporting catches made by pirates, their level of fishing cannot be accurately quantified. However, industry observers think that IUU occurs in most fisheries, and accounts for up to 30% of total catches in some important fisheries.
Animal trafficking2
here are the cause of lanslide:
groundwater table changes
- plant more trees so when rain comes, more trees will absorb more water so the land won't be falling down.
- try to make the hill not too high, you can pull out rocks inside it and move them.
Random Poem about Animal Trafficking
It makes the animals sad
And also makes us mad
We don’t even know what the animals are feeling
And we don’t know what we’re doing
We’re only being selfish to ourselves
So all we’re asking for is to stop
If you don’t we’ll call the cop
And the cop will make your head pop
Endangered Animals movie
Second movie is about Forgotten Endangered Animals
Open, Independent,
Playing, Eating, Hunting,
How Magnificent They Are!
Circling, Rehearsing, Torturing,
Hungry, Alone,
Caught and Captivated
not a diamante poem ;)
let them be free
they have rights like you and me
stop hunting, stop killing
stop the pollutions, stop polluting
let's make them safe, let's protect
let's make the environment perfect
one last thing i need to say
don't let them be exticnt and go away...
not a diamante poem, but it's a poem =)
hope that this can help them animals somehow!
Let's save the animals! go go go ;)
Endangered animal, poem no.3
wild, free
daring, roaring, paring
great creatures, great animals
paring, roaring, daring
free, wild
Poem no.2 ^^
special, cute,
interesting, amazing, touching
don't let the animals be endangered-
protecting, helping, being caring
be free, be safe
haha.. we make another poem! that's okay right ;)
Website says it all.......
Awesome site...... lots of info about illegal logging.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Causes of Animal Sports
- For our recreation, example horse racing, bull fighting and dog shows just to name a few.
- For laughter and to humiliate them, example the circuses around the world.
- People use animals instead of people to play the sport.
- Teaching animlas to do humans jobs as entertainers, like to protect their owner and give companionship to their masters.
The resources that we used to find these causes are as below:
SIdoarjo Mud Flow
Want to know what happens when you stand on top of one of those and start drilling into it?
You can ask the people at the drilling company, PT Lapindo Brantas, who began an operation in East Java, Indonesia to drill for natural gas (to a depth where no gas had previously been found), on a fault line a short distance away from the Ring of Fire. In an attempt to avoid a tragedy that even Ray Charles could see coming, more experienced drillers tried to warn them to stay away from the dangerous terrain, but the PT team just chuckled, swilled a beer and insisted that it was totally going to work.
The Disaster:
Having already spit in the face of sensibility, the drill team decided it was time to cock punch the law as well, so in the second phase of drilling they opted not to use the required protective casing to stabilize the drill site, presumably subcontracting the job out to the Foot Clan.
Unsurprisingly, running a giant drill next to a fault line tends to result in seismic activity, and the result was the eruption of a mud volcano which continues to this very moment, spewing 88,000 cubic feet of bullshit each day and leaving 1.5 million people without homes as a result.
The drill team responsible first tried to pass the blame off on an earthquake that occurred two days before in Central Java, forming faults as far as their drill site 186 miles away. When scientists pointed out that an earthquake that severe would've shut down drilling (which obviously it hadn't), PT Lapindo Brantas was ordered to pay $278 million.
The higher-ups of Lapindo Brantas tried to sell their company to an off-shore group for $2, effectively dodging responsibility for the disaster. But the government stepped in and said if they intended to get out of paying victims for their losses, they'd have to get more creative than that. Some analysts believe the company will next declare bankruptcy in an effort to do that very thing.
Natural Disaster poem
Endangered Animals1.poem
Animal Sports
Illegal Loging (a Diamante Poem)
evil, illegal
slashing, cutting, chopping
It ruins our environment and earth.
saving, refreshing, exciting
fresh, happy
Green World
Friday, October 16, 2009
Movie of Endangered animals
The worst part?
IT IS ALL OUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All I am asking you is this:
How can you sleep, eat, rest, play or anything when you know that we create danger and doom for animals?!
This movie is quite sad, and shows the picturs of the animals and the causes. No words at all
Farid 7A
Effects of Extinct Animals
Also, any animal which was a predator to the now-extinct species has lost a food source. They may have to find something else to eat or they starve to extinction too.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Causes of Endagered Animals (2)
illegal logging
Causes of Illegal Logging
Weak governance and corruption in timber producing countries and the failure of governments in consumer countries like the EU, US and Japan to ban the import of illegally and destructively logged timber, allows unscrupulous logging companies and timber traders worldwide to exploit ancient forests.
The worldwide increase in demand for timber products, regardless of their legality, is fuelling forest destruction. For example the European Union is a significant importer of timber from regions where illegal and destructive logging is rampant.
Effect of Illegal Logging
Illegal logging will mainly cause land slide, flash flood and global warming.
Cause trees hold the soil to make it more stronger and prevents land slide.
Flash flood can happen because trees sip the water and preventing it to harm people. Global warming is mainly caused by too much Carbon Dioxide that traps heat and making it more hot to melt the ice in north pole and south pole, trees uses carbon dioxide to make their food so if there are many trees they will prevent carbon dioxide to go up in our atmosphere.
Solutions to Illegal Logging
There are several solutions to the problem of illegal logging. They include enforcement and creation of international and national laws, as well as independent timber certification companies that work with timber companies to assess and verify the legal, ecological and social sustainability of any timber operation and its wood products.
By exerting influence through the supply chain, governments have enormous power to encourage responsible forest management and reduce the demand for illegally sourced forest products. Government purchases account for a substantial proportion of world trade in timber products. In 2001, U.S. state and local government purchasing exceeded $1.22 trillion, more than 11 percent of the total U. S. gross domestic product.
Tiger as an animal trafficking victim

Causes of Endangered Animals
Endangered animals
- Blue Whale
- Angler Fish
- Polar Bear
- Giant Panda
- Kakapo (strangest and rarest parrot in the world)
- Echidna
- Duck-Billed Platypus
- Dugong
- Sloth
- Black Rhino
- Tigers
- Komodo Dragon
- Lynx (a cat)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
An example of animal sports
What can we do now???
Endangered Animals
Natural Disaster
It comes naturally, we just can predict but we don't know when it will come...
Stop Illegal Logging
Natural Disaster
Stop Deforetation!!!
Illegal Loggng

Illegal logging is the harvest, transportation, purchase or sale of timber in violation of laws. The harvesting procedure itself may be illegal, including using corrupt means to gain access to forests; extraction without permission or from a protected area; the cutting of protected species; or the extraction of timber in excess of agreed limits. Illegalities may also occur during transport, such as illegal processing and export; fraudulent declaration to customs; and the avoidance of taxes and other charges.
Animal Sport
solution to deforestation
Getting Started
Over the next couple of months we will be posting lots of information, videos and photos about the issues, and giving you our opinions on them. We'll also be thinking about the solution of these issues and finding the best way to educate the public to raise awareness.
Wish us luck!